‘The Way Home’ Season 2: 4 Jaw-Dropping Moments From the Finale
The Way Home Season 2 saved its biggest moments for last. The March 31 season finale of the Hallmark Channel drama featured some major moments for almost every character, including Kat, Thomas, Colton, and Jacob. Big revelations – and lingering questions – set the stage for season 3, which will air on Hallmark sometime in 2025.
[Warning: This article contains spoilers for The Way Home Season 2 finale, “Bring Me to Life.”]
Thomas Coyle was shot

The season finale picks up just after Kat realizes that Thomas Coyle (Kris Holden-Ried) was likely executed in 1814. She decides to travel back in time to say goodbye and perhaps prevent his death (even though she knows from experience that trying to change the past is futile).
Kat encounters Thomas on the beach. He tells her he’s sacrificed himself to save Jacob. He gives her some coins and then they share a passionate kiss that’s sure to satisfy Kat-Thomas shippers. As Cyrus Goodwin (Tim Post) and his men approach, Thomas tells Kat to flee. As she runs away, a shot rings out.
Could Thomas really be dead? The shooting occurs off-screen while Kat’s back is turned, a strong sign that he might not have been murdered. Plus, it seems unlikely that the writers would spend so much time building up his character and his relationship with Kat only to abruptly kill him off.
Indeed, there was more to the incident between Thomas and Goodwin than it seemed. In the episode’s final moments, viewers – and Kat – learn that Thomas had survived being shot, thanks to the armor he was wearing under his clothes.
Elliot discovers he can time travel

Elliot (Evan Williams) has spent years pondering the ins and outs of time travel. During all that time, he’s been convinced that only Landrys can time travel. But in the finale, he starts to reconsider that assumption. With encouragement from Alice (Sadie Laflamme-Snow), he decides to try the pond again.
A nervous Elliot makes the jump. The pond takes him and Alice back to the day of Kat’s going away party. Adult Elliot gets his “last five minutes” with Colton (Jefferson Brown), who was the loving father figure he so desperately needed. It’s a powerful moment of closure for Elliot and one that gives him a better understanding of what Kat has been going through in her journeys through time.
Colton was the man in the bushes
The Way Home viewers have been wondering about the identity of the mystery man in the bushes since the season 2 premiere. The finale delivered some answers. During Elliot’s trip to the past, we saw him and Alice crouched in shrubbery as they listened to Colton talk to young Elliot. Mystery solved! Or was it? Later in the episode, we got another look at a man watching Colton as he sat by the fire with a young Jacob. In a truly shocking moment, the man turned around, revealing himself to be Colton.
“Bring Me to Life” ends with a flashback to a scene from the premiere, with an older woman and a young boy standing by the pond. “I know it calls to you,” she tells him. “Remember what I said. It will always take you where you need to go. But you need to stay here for now. It’s not your time, not yet … you just have to be patient, Colton.”
So, Colton is a time traveler. That raises a ton of questions. Is the timeline where he marries Del and has kids the one he was born in? Or did he travel there from the past? (The clothes in the flashback scene look fairly old-fashioned.) Did he tell a young Jacob about the pond before he disappeared? Is there a chance he could show up again and reunite with Del?
Jacob returns to the present

In episode 9, adult Jacob (Spencer MacPherson) told Kat that he couldn’t return to the present because his life was in 1814. But after talking to his adoptive father Elijah (Stuart Hughes) and Thomas, he changes his mind.
As Kat stands by the edge of the pond imagining a conversation with Thomas, Jacob emerges. Kat is overjoyed, but cautious. Is Jacob sure that he wants to go through with this? He assures her he’s ready, and they prepare to head inside the house, where an unsuspecting Del awaits.
How will Del react to the sudden reappearance of Jacob? Bizarrely, neither Alice nor Kat has told her about the pond and their travels through time. The realization that her son is actually alive and that he’s been living in the 19th century is going to come as a major shock. But we’ll have to wait until next season to see how she copes with this news, what kind of relationship she and Jacob have moving forward, and how she reacts when she learns that Kat kept the truth from her. Kat and Del had a major breakthrough earlier in the episode when Del learned that Kat had wanted her to visit Minneapolis when Alice was a baby. But when Del discovers that her daughter didn’t tell her Jacob was alive, it could destroy the fragile progress they’ve made.
More takeaways from ‘The Way Home’ Season 2 finale
Other takeaways from The Way Home Season 2 finale:
- Kat and Elliot’s kiss toward the end of the episode suggests things might be back on for the long-time friends. But Kat’s feelings for Thomas will surely complicate any hope for romance between them.
- Susannah (Watson Rose) painted Kat’s portrait in 1814. She also wrote the history of Port Haven.
- The Landry farm is saved! Casey Goodwin (Vaughan Murrae) says her dad reconsidered and doesn’t want to buy the property. And those coins Thomas gave Kat will go a long way toward solving Del’s financial problems.
- Speaking of Casey, what is her deal? She seems to pop up at randomly convenient times. And is that Kat’s engagement ring (which she later gave to Alice) hanging around Casey’s neck? There are some strong signs pointing to her being a time traveler as well. Could she be future Alice’s daughter?
- How sweet was Elliot’s pep talk to overwhelmed new mom Kat? And it was extra touching that Alice got to witness it and see how much her mom loved her.
- Would Kat really have trusted Elliot’s dad to deliver that letter to Del? Why not just put it in the mailbox where she could find it when she gets home from her trip?
- What does Elliot see when he breaks through the wall in his house?
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