
Spider-Man is a fictional character from Marvel Comics created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. The character first appeared in comic books and later in cinematic adaptations, TV series, video games, and more .
Born Peter Parker, Spider-Man is a high school student who is bit by a radioactive power and ends up with spider-like abilities. He uses his arachnid abilities to help people.
In the comics world, Peter Parker made his first appearance in "Amazing Fantasy" (1962) before earning his own spinoff series "Amazing Spider-Man" in 1963.
In 2011, Miles Gonzalo Morales was created by Brian Michael Bendis and Sara Pichelli as another character known as Spider-Man. This character is a 13-year-old biracial teen and was introduced in "Ultimate Spider-Man #160" after Peter Parker gets killed by Green Goblin.
In the MCU, actor Tom Holland portrays the live-action Spider-Man and is a member of the Avengers. Holland has played the part of Peter Parker in three stand-alone Spider-Man movies and a handful of other MCU films.
Visit the official Spider-Man website. Read our latest articles and updates about all things relating to Spider-Man.
- Comic Book Universe: Marvel
- Creators: Stan Lee (writer/editor) and Steve Ditko (writer/artist)
- Year of Creation: 1962
- Actors Who Have Played Spider-Man: Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, Nicholas Hammond, Shinji Todo, Jake Johnson, Nicolas Cage, Chris Pine, Drake Bell, Benjamin Diskin, Paul Soles, Dan Gilvezan
- Current Live-Action Spider-Man: Tom Holland
- Nicknames: Spidey and Web-head
- Number of Deaths in the Comic Book: 3
Visit the official Spider-Man website. Read our latest articles and updates about all things relating to Spider-Man.