How Nathan Fillion Reacted to His Old Soap Opera’s ‘Castle’ Nod
Actor Nathan Fillion is one of a few One Life to Live cast members who fans don’t have to look up what happened to today. Thanks to his success over the years, it’s easy to see what Fillion’s post soap-opera career’s been like. One of the many projects that he’s done in his older years is the show Casle, which One Life to Live paid tribute to.
Nathan Fillion wanted to go back to ‘One Life to Live’

One Life to Live was one of Fillion’s first major acting roles before his breakthrough series Firefly. So the star couldn’t help but feel sentimental about the soap opera. Fillion probably would’ve even stayed on the show if it wasn’t for the sage advice he’d gotten from his older co-star back then. The Superman star typically gave credit to Bob Woods for convincing him to leave One Life to Live.
“Pack your bags and move to Los Angeles. And try. And if it doesn’t work out? They’ll fire whoever’s in your place and take you back. I would not have had the courage to do that unless he had that talk with me,” he said in an interview with Vulture.
It turned out to be great advice since Fillion would move on to do bigger things afterwards, achieving the perfect level of fame. It seems, however, that One Life to Live has been following the actor’s career from afar. So much so that the show would reference Castle in one of its episodes, a shout-out that would later get back to Fillion.
“I heard recently that One Life to Live did a little nod to Castle. One of the characters was being interrogated by my uncle Bo Buchanan and he said, ‘No, no! This isn’t Traffic. I know how this goes, I watch Castle! I like that kind of stuff,” he said in a 2010 interview with The Hollywood Reporter.
Fillion was so fond of the show that he wouldn’t have minded returning to his roots if the opportunity ever presented itself.
“I would also love to go back to One Life to Live. They just got a new Joey, the character I played, so I would love to go back and just do a walk-on where Joey’s in the middle of something super serious, [acts out bumping into him] and says, ‘Oh, hey. Sorry,’ and then just keep waking. I would love to do that,” Fillion said.
Nathan Fillion said he wanted to work with his old ‘One Life to Live’ co-star on ‘The Rookie’
One Life to Live taught Fillion to have greater appreciation for soap operas in general. He didn’t agree with others who felt that soap operas were just launching pads.
“I’ve heard daytime [television] be referred to as a stepping stone but I think of daytime as a building block,” Fillion once said on the People’s Choice Awards (via Parade).
“I’ve never worked so hard, I’ve never worked so much, I’ve never worked with so many experienced actors who were willing to teach. Who were willing to impart their experience, their wisdom, and the mistakes they made. It was all there for the asking,” he added. “I will never forget any of those people. I am here because of them.”
Additionally, Fillion looked forward to the day he could act alongside his One Life to Live co-stars again. TV Line asked Fillion who, specifically, he wanted to pair up. The rare leading man had no trouble rattling off names.
“All of them,” Fillion answered. Gina Tognoni (ex-Kelly), Susan Haskell [ex-Marty], Thorsten Kaye [ex-Patrick], Bob Krimmer [ex-Andrew], Bob Woods [ex-Bo]… I could go on. I want Bob Woods to be on The Rookie,” he said.